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C14: Champion Belgian Blue of Show

Cattle ➤ Belgian Blue - Ring 2 Mon 7th Aug 2023
Cattle - Opening Notes

Entry to Show ground via Ballina Road. Cattle judging in all rings will commence at 11.00am SHARP
Cattle with steel training halters will not be allowed on Showgrounds. No entry will be accepted or changed on Show Day.
Notice: The Department of Agriculture stipulates that all animals must comply with Department of Agriculture rules in force at the time of the Show. I.D. Cards must be produced on request.
Exhibitors must apply to the DVO for Destination Details Movement form (NBAS 31A) for showing animals in 2023 or online via ISCS website. Show Herd No. M966
5% of prize money will be deducted for I.S.A Championship. Please note Rule 17. Prize money will not be paid on the day, it will be posted out at a later date.


No entries permitted on day of event.

Cattle Ring 2
Prizes:   1st - €50.00 , 2nd - €30.00
This is a Championship Class. Entry via Qualifing Classes.
Qualifying Classes
Class 120: Pedigree Belgian Blue Calf (born after 01/09/22)
Class 121: Pedigree Belgian Blue Calf (born from 01/01/2023)
Class 122: Pedigree Belgian Blue Heifer (born after 01/09/21)